1963-64 Topps 15 Andy Hebenton Hockey Card (Front)

1963-64 Topps 15 Andy Hebenton Hockey Card (Back)

Card Notes
Current iron man of NHL with eight full years, 560 games, without a miss. Bruins drafted him in June from Rangers. He’s past winner of the Lady Byng Memorial Trophy.
The iron man played another full 70 game NHL schedule in 1963-64 with the Boston Bruins. However, that was his last year in the league. Andy Hebenton would continue to play the game, mostly in the WHL, where again, he rarely missed a game.
There is an error on the back of this hockey card. In English, Andy had played 560 consecutive games. In French, however, the total jumped to 580. The proper total was 560.
Hebenton’s 630 game streak remains the 12th longest in NHL history. Over his nine years in the league, he never missed a game. Including minor pro, Andy has an amazing streak of 1,062 consecutive games.